‘Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep' Organization Sponsors Free Portraits Among Parents With Dying Babies

By Maria Slither - 12 Feb '15 09:06AM

"Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" (NILMDTS) a non-profit organization has offered free services in capturing the last moments of a terminally-ill baby as the organization sends photographers in hospitals to take photos among willing parents who want to etch those precious moments with their loved ones to eternity.

Now, on its tenth year, the organization has at leastt 1,650 volunteers in 40 countries who give 'remembrance photography' and 'beautiful heirloom portraits' among families who suffer the lose of an angel's death, the Daily Mail reported.

The organization was formed from a personal heart-rending experience of Cheryl Haggard who lost her son her newborn son, Maddux Achilles Haggard when it suffered condition called myotubular myopathy. The baby has been suffering for a long time and find it hard to swallow, breathe or move thus, Cheryl come to a decision to let the baby go and free its body from life support machines.

Cheryl took pictures of one of the saddest events of her life and passed on the movement to other grieving couples.

"When the hospitals know about our services then we find the demand is high. When people are made aware of the gift we can deliver they are so happy to have our services to offer to their families. The idea has been received well in the UK. Grief knows no country boundaries, it comes wherever you live and to be able to offer such a priceless gift is a privilege," Robbyn Erickson, NILMDTS Board President said in an interview with Mirror.

According to Life News, The United States currently has recorded 26,000 stillbirths every year. There are also 6,000- 10,000 babies who died annually because of defects experienced in the first few months of infancy.

TAGSNow I Lay Me Down To Sleep, photography, infants, dying babies
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