Facebook Introduces Craigslist-like Feature To Make Buying-Selling Easier In Groups

By Kamal Nayan - 11 Feb '15 00:25AM

Facebook is now making it much easier to sell things via Groups. The social networking site is launching a new set of feature for Groups that will allow users to sell/buy things in a more streamlined way.

"For Sale Group members can now choose the Sell feature when creating a post. You can add a description to what you're selling, include a price and set a pick-up/delivery location," Facebook said.

The feature would also allow to mark post as Available or Sold. Users can also view the catalog of items previously sold.

To be part of the selling feature, Facebook does ask Group administrators to nominate their group for inclusion as a 'For Sale Group', which will give them access to this feature, notes SlashGear.

As Facebook is not processing the payment, or helping you with delivery or pickup, it won't take the cut of your listing.

These new features will roll out to all Facebook For Sale Groups in the coming months across iOS, Android and web.

Facebook Group admins who are willing to try the new feature sooner, they can nominate their group here.

TAGSfacebook, Facebook Group, Craigslist, buy, sell
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