ClusterHQ Raises $12M, Plans To Bring the Power of Containers To Enterprise Data

By Kamal Nayan - 06 Feb '15 01:03AM

Startup ClusterHQ has raked in $12 million series A funding that it can use to capitalize container and database technology.

ClusterHQ released has an open-source Flocker project which aims to make it possible for users to load up datasets into containers all inside the Docker Hub so that so that the housed datasets are all synced up to the application or application's components-stored inside containers as well.

Containers are believed to be more lightweight than virtual machines and many companies have started adopting the technology.

A developer can use Flocker to store the types of datasets inside Docker containers that power stateful services. These re essentially the databases, message queues or key-value stores that need constant updating.

Chief executive Mark Davis wants to increase the adoption of an open-source tool called Flocker that ClusterHQ came out with last year. Commercialization would presumably be the next step. In the meantime, ClusterHQ is focusing on building lots of new features into Flocker, including the ability to relocate a container with a database from one server to another without any downtime, reported VentureBeat.

"I know other people are thinking about this problem," Davis said in an interview. "It's too big and obvious a problem for us to be the only ones who are working on it."

TAGSClusterHQ, Containers, Funding, Flocker
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