Cosmetics May Accelerate Menopause By Four Years

By R. Siva Kumar - 02 Feb '15 19:00PM

There are chemicals in lipstick, face cream and nail varnish that can take you faster towards menopause than you wanted to go! Chemicals seem to be hastening the process by four years, according to a study by the team of researchers at Washington University in St Louis.

After examining the impact of 111 chemicals on the blood and urine of 31,575 women, according to, about 15 different "harmful" chemicals have been found, among them "phthalates, which are used to soften plastics."

The chemicals are detected in food packaging and household products, including perfume, lipsticks, body wash, hair care products and nail varnishes, reports The chemicals are found in cosmetics to hold colour and scents.

Women with more chemicals than others are put through the process of change two to four years earlier than others with low levels. When there is a decline in ovarian function, it not only impacts fertility, but even heart disease, osteoporosis and related issues, including the threat of certain cancers, metabolic syndrome and early puberty.

"Chemicals linked to earlier menopause may lead to an early decline in ovarian function, and our results suggest that we as a society should be concerned," said senior author of the study, Professor Amber Cooper.

Many substances interfere with the making and distribution of hormones in the body. While past studies looked at the link between the endocrine-disrupting chemicals and menopause, this new research "marks the first large scale study of its kind".

The study calls for microwaving food in glass or paper containers rather than plastic, according to

It is important to probe and investigate the ingredients in cosmetics, hygiene products and food packaging before purchasing. Although most of the chemicals in the cosmetics have been banned by the US, they are used in many parts of the world, causing the scare.

The researchers identified 15 chemicals - nine PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), three pesticides, two phthalates and a toxic chemical called a furan, that call for closer inspection.

TAGSchemicals, make-up, lipstick, nail polishes, perfumes, body and hair care products, menopause, Phthalates, Amber Cooper, hormones
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