Apple Makes Around $8.3 Million Dollars Per Hour In Profit

By Kamal Nayan - 28 Jan '15 00:25AM

Apple has recently posted profits for the last quarter of 2014 which is largest any corporation has ever seen. The company announced sales of $74.6 billion and profit of $18 billion, ending the quarter with $178 billion on hand.

 After the Apple co-founder Steve Jobs passed in 2011, CEO Tim Cook was questioned often if he will be able to retain company's creative edge juggernaut status. Some believed, and many didn't. He proved disbelievers all wrong. As of now, Tim Cook is leading Apple to largest profit of any company in history.

Credit for Apple's growth can be attributed to surging sales in China - up to some extent - where it has become the top smartphone manufacturer.

"We brought on more new people to iPhone than ever before," Mr. Cook said in an interview Tuesday. "Many of those are switching from Android, and we couldn't be happier about that."

iPad sales fell 18 percent during the quarter and Mac sales were up 15 percent. The most staggering figure was for iPhones in Q4 2014. Apple sold 74.4 million iPhones in the quarter which is more than 9 iPhones every second of every day for straight 90 days.

Only time will tell if Apple will be able to sustain this pace but right now it is the riches and most successful tech company on the planet, being led by a fitting CEO.

TAGSapple, iphone, Profit, Mac, ios
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