Google Pressurized to Turn off Police-Tracking Feature On Waze App

By Kamal Nayan - 27 Jan '15 00:36AM

Google is being pressurized to turn off a feature on its Waze traffic app that warns users when police is nearby. According to officials, the feature on the mobile app could put officers' lives in danger.

Waze was acquired by Google for $966 million 2013. The app is a combination of GPS navigation and social networking. The app helps 50 million users in 200 countries in providing real-time traffic guidance and warning about nearby congestion, car accidents, speed traps or traffic cameras construction zones, stalled vehicles or unsafe weather conditions.

Up until now, there are no known connections between any attack on police and Waze but officials are concerned it's only a matter of time. Reportedly, the U.S. police department is seeking support among law enforcement trade groups to pressure Google.

Sergio Kopelev, a reserve deputy sheriff in California, raised concerns during the meeting of the National Sheriffs Association winter conference in Washington. They pointed to the Instagram account of the man accused of fatally shooting two New York Police Department officers last month. Ismaaiyl Brinsley posted a screenshot from Waze along with messages threatening police. Investigators do not believe he used Waze to ambush the officers, in part because police say Brinsley tossed his cellphone far from where he shot the officers, Firstpost reported.

"These relationships keep citizens safe, promote faster emergency response and help alleviate traffic congestion," said Waze spokeswoman, Julie Mossler in a statement.

Google declined to comment.

TAGSgoogle, police, Waze, app
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