Pretty Little Liars Summer Finale: Who really killed [SPOILER]?; 5 Burning Questions from 'Taking This One to the Grave'

By Robert Christie - 27 Aug '14 05:56AM

Yes, like you I am still staring at the TV waiting for the truth to not actually be the truth. There's no way she is...before I continue I must warn you there are spoilers ahead. If you have not watched last night's summer finale of "Pretty Little Liars" entitled 'Taking This One to the Grave', please do so. Oh and you may want to bring some tissues because you'll probably be crying at the end.





As I was saying, last night's finale ended with some unbelievable events. So unbelievable that we really need answers. Here are five burning questions from 'Taking This One to the Grave':

No. 1 - Who's the real murderer?

It's probable the writers wanted us to believe Ali killed Mona. However, if we've learned one thing about PLL it's that you must actual see a person's face before coming to a conclusion on anyone's guilt. We do know someone with blond hair was in Mona's house. So did Ali really kill Mona? Did someone else? Did Ali leave the house with Mona still alive?

No. 2 - Isn't a showdown between Ali and the Liars exactly what this series needs?

Now that the girls know Ali is A - and that she's framing Spencer for a crime she may have orchestrated - we are likely to see them go head to head for the rest of the season. It's about time Ali faced her former friends. Since Season 1, Emily, Aria, Hanna and Spencer have been fighting the effects Ali left on their lives after she disappeared. It's only right they go up against her in person.

No. 3 - Were you looking forward to the Montgomery family dinner?

There's no doubt the Montgomery's Thanksgiving dinner would have been an interesting spectacle with Ezra present. Are you disappointed you didn't get to see the dinner and all of the awkwardness it would have included? Speaking of the Montgomery's, how will Mona's death affect Mike?

No. 4 - Is Ali going to try to keep Spencer in jail?

We're really hoping Spencer makes bail (although we know if there was any Liar who'd figure out how to survive in prison its Spencer). However, does Ali have the influence to make sure Spencer stays behind bars? Ali needs everyone to believe she had nothing to do with Bethany Young's demise. Since she's found a scapegoat in Spencer - whom the police are more than ready to believe is a murderer - Ali may not let up in her plan to frame the youngest Hastings.

No. 5 - How much will you miss Mona?

I had to make sure my final question featured Mona. She was the character that annoyed us, then we hated her, then loved her, then hated her, then loved her...and on it went. More importantly, most of the time we had no idea what she was up to. Nevertheless, Mona Vanderwaal - brought to life by the lovely Janel Parrish - was a vital piece to this series. How much will you miss Mona?

Let me know your thoughts and theories in the comment section below.

"Pretty Little Liars" returns with a special presentation on Oct. 21 and with a special holiday episode this winter.

TAGSPLL, Pretty Little Liars Summer Finale, Mona VanderWaal, #RIPMona, Janel Parrish
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