Shocking Number of Americans Would Rather Not Have Sex than Their Cell Phone

By Dustin M Braden - 16 Jan '15 19:17PM

A new poll reveals the shocking fact that if forced to choose between life without sex, or a cell phone, nearly a third of Americans would choose to forego sex.

Bloomberg reports the findings were compiled by the Boston Consulting Group in a survey of 1,003 Americans. Among the group's findings were that 55 percent of Americans would give up going out to restaurants for a year instead of lose access to their phone.

Amazingly, nearly half of Americans, 46 percent, said they would rather work an extra day a week than lose their phone while 45 percent said they would pass up on vacation. More than 3 in 10 Americans admitted they would simply stop seeing their friends in person if it came down to seeing the friends, or losing the phone.

The 1,003 Americans were part of a broader study that evaluated how people around the world relate to their cellular phones. A total of 7,500 people were contacted by Boston Consulting Group to learn their feelings about giving up their cell phone.

The group contacted people in Germany, Brazil, India, South Korea, and China. The number of Germans who said they would give up their phone was similar to the number of Americans, but only around 25 percent of Brazilians said they would sacrifice sex for their phones, according to Bloomberg.  

South Koreans were the most willing to give up sex to keep their phone, with 3 out 5 saying they would make that choice.

Around 66 percent of Indians and 55 percent of Chinese said they would give up a day off for a year rather than go without their phones for that same period of time. 

TAGScell phones, sex
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