Game of Thrones Season 5: Your favorite characters may be in more danger of facing death than before

By Robert Christie - 25 Aug '14 22:23PM

As "Game of Thrones" fans have come to realize it's never wise to grow too attached to any character on the show, since anyone can die at any time. Judging from a recent interview George R.R. Martin did with Buzzfeed, fans should continue to believe their favorite characters are never safe. In fact, those characters may be in even more danger of facing death.

Here's an excerpt from the interview:

The way my books are structured, everyone was together, then they all went their separate ways and the story deltas out like that, and now it's getting to the point where the story is beginning to delta back in, and the viewpoint characters are occasionally meeting up with each other now and being in the same point at the same time, which gives me a lot more flexibility for killing people.

Martin, the author of the "A Song of Fire and Ice" book series (on which "Game of Thrones" is based), plans on completing the series at seven books. It is widely believed GoT will be seven seasons to reflect the amount of books in the series. The show has already been renewed for fifth and sixth season.

In an interview Martin did with The Telegraph, he discussed how some GoT fans have already figured out how the series will end. The author explained he has seen correct theories on the ending while checking out "Game of Thrones" message boards.

"So many readers were reading the books with so much attention that they were throwing up some theories and while some of those theories were amusing bulls -- and creative, some of the theories are right," Martin told The Telegraph.

He adds: "At least one or two readers had put together the extremely subtle and obscure clues that I'd planted in the books and came to the right solution."

Despite the fact some fans have guessed the endings, Martin doesn't plan to make any major changes to his plans for the series. You can check out the full interview here.

"Game of Thrones" returns in 2015.

TAGSGame of Thrones Season 5, George R.R. Martin
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