With the Surge in Online Video Content, How Do You Stand Out?

By Staff Reporter - 05 Feb '20 16:11PM
  • (Photo : Unsplash)

One of the great things about online content platforms like YouTube, Vimeo and the plethora of social media sites that allow you to post videos is that they democratize content creation. It used to be that only big studios could produce and find distribution for content, but nowadays anyone with an iPhone and a fresh vision can accumulate a large - and lucrative - following. 

The downside of this (because, of course, there has to be a downside) is that online content is becoming an oversaturated market. When everyone can make content, everyone does make content. It's more difficult than ever now to rise above the rest, be seen and make money from your online videos.  

So how do you stand out? Whether the end goal is a large YouTube following, or a big-bucks TV deal, you need to find ways to differentiate yourself from the masses. In this article, let's explore a few steps you can take to make your online video content a perfect diamond in the rough!

Mentor with Film Experts

This is the clearest, quickest way to give your online video content the big screen sheen it deserves. Whether you're a fledgling creator or a seasoned film school alumnus, mentorship is valuable for tweaking your material and learning new filmmaking tricks. 

There are plenty of programs you can join that teach you screenwriting, help you get a start filming Hollywood stars and honing your directorial and visual eye. With the knowledge you acquire working alongside industry professionals, you'll be able to craft online video content that looks like the real thing - and nets you the same attention and bankroll. 

(Photo : Unsplash)

Provide Clear Value

Whether your online video content is for a business, or simply to advance your personal sizzle reel, you need to provide value. In a business context, this means foregoing the "peddling" aspect of advertising and trying in earnest to provide potential customers with useful information and entertainment

For instance, if you have a company that makes skateboards, you don't want to wax endlessly about how great your skateboards are; you want to provide entertaining footage of skating pros, as well as tips on how to skate better. 

Keep Your Tone Fresh

Everyone's looking for the next new thing. Sure, you can join the umpteen creators making cheap reaction videos on YouTube or fan fiction on Vimeo, but it's better to carve out a unique niche. 

Take the popular YouTube series "Binging With Babish", for instance. That creator, Andrew Rea, rather than creating yet another low budget cooking series for YouTube, took a unique approach. He decided to specialize in cooking dishes from movies and TV shows (the ratatouille from the film Ratatouille for instance), filming his videos in distinctive, straight-on, headless shots. It was new enough, interesting enough and well made enough that it netted him lucrative sponsorships and book deals. That's how to make good content. 

The surge in online video content is a double-edged sword. It allows everyone a creative platform for their art, but it makes it harder than ever to be seen. Follow these simple steps, however, and you'll be well on your way to standing out!

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