10 Tips for Improving Your Overall Health

By Staff Reporter - 13 Jan '20 14:46PM
  • (Photo : Photo by Google)

We all want to live healthy and happy lives, but how can we make that a reality? Many chronic health problems are a result of lifestyle choices and habits that we have full control over but often neglect. 

In this article, we'll go over ten ways that you can take control of your overall wellness. It's the start of the new decade, and it's time to make some changes that will help improve the quality of life for you and your family. 

Take Time to De-Stress

Stress is our health's worst enemy. Spending all day feeling overwhelmed and overstimulated can end up taking a significant toll on our body and mind. Prolonged stress can cause a range of health problems, including heart disease, stroke, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, and high blood pressure. 

Most specialists recommend regular exercise, meditation, and regulated breathing practices. It doesn't have to be over-complicated or take too much time. Just take 10 minutes a day to listen to soothing music, soak in a tub, or even cuddle with your pet to relax. You'll be surprised how much better you'll feel by spending some time doing what you love.

Stop Cooking With Salt

Taste your food before you salt it. For many of us, tossing a pinch or five into our meal is a habit, but you may find you don't need it. Try using herbs and salt-free seasoning. With some garlic and onion, or even some lemon juice. 

Go to Bed Earlier

Adults need seven or more hours of sleep. The reality is, most of us don't get that. Did you know that the Geneva Convention actually considers sleep deprivation the number one form of torture?

Many of us are putting ourselves through our idea of hell by not getting the shut-eye that we need. Lack of sleep can raise your risk of heart attack and stroke. It's best to stick to a regular sleep schedule, even on days off. 

Drink a Glass of Red Wine

Yes, this is our favorite on the list. Enjoy a glass of red wine, which is proven to have powerful antioxidants that protect you against heart disease, colon cancer, anxiety, and depression. Enjoy a glass of wine with dinner and toast to your good health!

Of course, drink in moderation, as too much can cause a variety of health problems, especially in women. Females tend to have a higher risk of liver problems than men. 

Wake up to a Newspaper

Instead of waking up and checking the latest updates on your phone, consider going old-school with a newspaper. Not only will you stay on top of the latest comings and goings free from fake news, but you'll also benefit from the games section. 

Researchers have found that mentally challenging activities like reading, crossword puzzles, and Sodoku can have a protective neurological effect. A morning routine with the paper may help lower your risk of Alzheimer's disease

Stretch it Out

Regularly stretching helps you stay limber and move freely as you age. Before you exercise, make sure you warm-up and stretch your muscles and do so after as well. This will help you avoid any injuries. 

It's also best to stretch before bed, which will relieve tension and help you sleep. Balance exercises like yoga and tai chi will help reduce your risk of potentially dangerous falls. 

Take the Stairs

Live on the fourth floor? Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Instead of taking the easy, lazy way, you can add some physical activity to your day. Climbing up some flights will add to your total recommended 10,000 steps and will help create a healthier you. 

Change Your Snacking Habits

Snacking doesn't always have to be bad for your health, be conscious of what you're consuming. Instead of reaching for a cookie, go for some carrots. Make sure your snacks are colorful and full of fresh produce.

Water, Water, & Water

Water helps you stay fit, slim, and looking younger. It's magic. Sipping water increases your metabolism and lowers your body mass index. Replace your sugary beverages with a glass of good old-fashioned H20. 

Stop Avoiding Your Doctor

Seeing your general practitioner regularly is a vital investment for your health. A physician has the best understanding of your history and can identify potential issue areas that you may not even be aware of yet. 

Chronic diseases like heart disease, lung cancer, diabetes, and obesity typically begin many years before patients seek treatment. According to https://sonohealth.org/sonohealth-org-is-launching-ekgraph-a-new-generation-ekg-monitoring-device/, a doctor may be able to ensure the highest level of well-being by taking proactive and preventative measures. 

Even if you think you're healthy, it's essential to visit a doctor for checkups regularly and to be open and honest about any concerns or lifestyle habits that may be impacting your overall well-being. 

Plan Ahead

It's never too late or early to make your health a priority. By incorporating these ten habits into your daily routine, you'll be planning for a flexible and adventurous life with flourishing well-being.

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