New Theory Revealed On Panda's Black & White Color Combination; Colors Serve As Protection

By Carrie Winters - 07 Mar '17 05:30AM

Researchers recently revealed a new theory on why pandas are black and white. The animal's color is reported to make them look tough and that is according to the new study.

According to a report, pandas do not camouflage their colors to the environment unlike other animals do. In fact, pandas do stand out in the wild because of their black and white color. Recently, a team of researchers from UC Davis and California State University, Long Beach made a study about why pandas have such color combination.

The team that made the study about the panda's color combination is also the same team that found out why zebras have black and white stripes. The study indicated that pandas match their white fur with snow while the black parts within the body stand out.

The study that has been published in Behavioral Ecology last week indicated that the dark areas on the panda's body are meant to stand out in the snow. This is a defense for the animal so predators can see that they are bears. The dark eyes can also be an indication for other bears to identify the panda as family.

In the meantime, pandas also have a strict bamboo diet. It is indicated that these animals need to be moving all year round. This is because their main food depends on bamboo plants and there are only certain areas in the world that grow the plant.

Additionally, as these animals roam the wilderness to find food, the white area lets them blend in the snowy part while the dark areas of their body let the panda blend within dark forests. The dark patches on the ears of the panda also are a part that makes them alert whenever predators are near.

Meanwhile, the study also distinguished each part of the body with color separately. These parts were identified to have a distinct function for the panda's survival.

TAGSpanda, Animals, study
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