Study Links Stress To A Wider Waistline; Cortisol Levels Important

By Qiao Xu - 24 Feb '17 05:30AM

A recent study indicates that being fat may be caused by long-term stress. The researchers of the study discovered that there is a link between a high level of stress hormone cortisol and excess weight.

According to a report, researchers studied the stress level of 2,500 men and women. These men and women are over the age of 54 years and participated in the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. Locks of hair were gathered from the participants so cortisol can be examined.

Lead author of the study Sarah Jackson shared that the results lead to the conclusion that there is a higher level of cortisol to individuals who have a bigger waist circumference. She added that these results mean that the link between chronic stress and higher level of obesity are evident.

A report indicated that cortisol is a stress hormone that is triggered when a person is in danger. It is beneficial towards the individual since it help one escape danger. However, if cortisol remains extremely high it already will be associated with depression, weight gain and anxiety.

The study found a link between stress and obesity but it is not indicated if there is a cause and effect between the two factors. The study needs more research in order to get a higher conclusion regarding the correlation between these factors.

Meanwhile, stress can be lowered down by practicing a healthy lifestyle. There are tips in order to manage stress accordingly. Regular exercise can be beneficial to the physical and mental health. Another way to reduce stress is to prioritize self-care and take a break from all other things.

Spending time with family and friends can also be a great form of stress-reliever. Meditation also is beneficial to one's mental and physical health and reduces stress. Lastly, laughing and smiling more often can definitely reduce stress.

TAGSstress, Stress Hormones, Fat
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