'Castlevania' News & Update: Netflix Picks Up The Animated Series; Part I Hints Of Four Episodes

By Carrie Winters - 13 Feb '17 05:30AM

Netflix is set to pick up "Castlevania" animated series. The first season of the animated series is hinted to be released this year while a second season is to be released next year.

According to a report, Warren Ellis will write the script for the animated series "Castlevania." Movie producer Adi Shankar also hinted that he will produce the animated series on Netflix. The animated series is based on the video game.

The game "Castlevania" has been released in 1986. It starred Simon Belmont who comes from a family of vampire hunters. Belmont must defeat Dracula and in order to do so, he needs to travel to Dracula's castle. There are also other characters included in the game like Frankenstein, Queen Medusa and the Grim Reaper.

"Castlevania" that will be picked up by Netflix is based on the game "Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse." The animated is hinted to star Trevor Belmont instead of Simon. However, there has been no confirmation yet on who among the Belmont's is to star for the show.

Shankar has announced that "Castlevania's" animated series is gearea more towards the adult audience. This will be an added Netflix original and will be available later this year. Fans can wait and expect for the series to explore more on several characters.

Meanwhile, Warren Ellis is known to be one of the best figures in the comic industry. His involvement in "Castlevania" animated series can give more to the show. The show is a mini-series and it is hinted that Part I will have four episodes.

A press release by Netflix confirms that Castlevania is indeed in the work. It is a dark medieval fantasy and will explore on the Belmont clan and how the last member tred to save Eastern Europe from the hands of Vlad Dracula Tepe.

TAGSNetflix, Netflix original Series, Castlevania
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