A New 'Moth' Discovered; The New Species Named After President Elect Donald Trump

By Carrie Winters - 19 Jan '17 18:04PM

A tiny "moth" which is newly discovered has been named after President-Elect Donald Trump. This is because of the yellow and white scales on top of its head.

According to a report, evolutionary Biologist Vazrick Nazari named a tiny "moth" which is newly discovered as 'Neopalpa donaldtrumpi.' This is because the new species has the yellow and white scales on top of its head which looks like the hair of Donald Trump.

The "moth" can be found in southern California and Baja California. Nazari hopes for the awareness to spread for the species to be conserved. He also notes that the president may raise awareness in the conservation of the species and make it as one of his top priorities.

A report indicates that there needs to be a wider awareness to conserve fragile habitats that still contain species that are unnamed yet. The tiny "moth" is one of those new species that has just recently been discovered and now it is given its name.

This is timely for the new administration to take over. Perhaps there may be more awareness for the people about preserving the habitats for new species so for them not to go on extinction. The conservation may be able to reproduce such species.

Meanwhile, Nazari hopes for all to be aware that there are other species still around and their habitats need to be saved. The tiny moth needs a habitat that fits for them. In the latest administration of the United States, Nazari also wants to spread this kind of awareness.

Additionally, Nazari shares that having a species named after a person is an honor. The name becomes immortal and will be remembered for long. The name lives on in the scientific literature. This is also one way to move on to an awareness campaign. It is safe to note that the Earth is indeed rich and there are more species that may be discovered in the future.

TAGSMoth, Species, extinct species
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