Seattle Dog Regularly Rides Bus to Dog Park Alone

By Dustin M Braden - 13 Jan '15 18:21PM

A Seattle area dog regularly displays a shocking level of intelligence and independence.

KOMO News reports that the dog is named Eclipse. The 2-year-old black lab regularly rides the bus from her house to a local dog park to play and exercise.

Eclipse is a regular rider on the bus route that passes by her house on the way to the park. So much so, that all of the drivers know her and have no issue with it when she gets on and off the bus at her designated stops.

A regular rider interviewed by KOMO says the dog will mind its own business until its stop nears, and then look out the window to be sure that it is where she should disembark.

Eclipse will sit with strangers and keep them company, and sometimes even cleans the bus by licking everything in sight.

Eclipse doesn't always ride the bus alone, and the practice arose from a bit of impatience on Eclipse's part.

Eclipse's owner Jeff Young said that one day the dog decided to just go out on her own when he took too long to finish a cigarette for Eclipse's liking.

Young said that Eclipse wanders off on her own regularly, and he will sometimes get phone calls from people saying they found his dog. He says he often has to convince them the dog does this regularly, and is quite fine on her own.

The bus company says they do not mind the dog and will not take any steps to stop Eclipse from taking her regular commute.

TAGSSeattle, Eclipse, bus, dog park, bus ride
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