'Quadrantid' Meteor Shower To Light Up The Skies This Month, What We Need To Know!

By Carrie Winters - 03 Jan '17 19:06PM

The "Quadrantid" meteor shower is set to display the skies this year. This is set to appear relatively clearer in North America.

It is reported that the "Quadrantid" meteor shower provides a display that may last for a few hours. This year the most that may see this celestial display are those that are located in the Northern parts of the world.

This display is expected to be called the 'Bootids' as it is most likely to radiate from the northeastern corner from the constellation of Bootes. It is reported that this may be the best meteor display if the moon does not interfere.

The "Quadrantid" meteor shower comes about when the Earth gets through debris from broken-up comet 2003 EH1. Quadrantid meteors are best seen when one does not look straight up towards the sky. If the atmosphere is clear of any distractions, the Quadrantid's fireballs may be visible.

A report indicates that Astronomers have predicted that the Quadrantid meteor shower has an hourly rate of 100 to 120 meteors. Those that are located away from the city lights may get a better view of the celestial display.

Meanwhile, a report indicates that the "Quadrantid" meteor shower appears blue six hours before and after the maximum shower. This is because of the magnesium that burns upon entry into the Earth's surface.

The "Quadrantid" meteor shower is a radiation from the Quadrans Muralis constellation. The meteors are residues from the asteroid 2003 EH1 that has been broken up in the 1940's. Aside from this meteor shower to light up the skies this January, Venus is also reported to be near the sun on January 12.

This happens to be Venus' greatest eastern elongation for this year. At this time, Venus is to be visible on the horizon. It shines at its brightest in the western sky right after sunset.

TAGSmeteor shower, constellation, Venus
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