Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg Believes On The Importance Of Religion; An Atheist Before, What Is His Faith Now?

By Carrie Winters - 02 Jan '17 05:20AM

Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook has been believed to be an atheist for some time. In a recent post he sent out during the holidays, it seems that Zuckerberg has finally embraced a religion.

In a Facebook message from Mark Zuckerberg on Dec. 25, he expressed his wishes to everyone for a 'Merry Christmas.' He also responded to a comment which mentions about him being an atheist. Zuckerberg expressed that religion is important.

Mark Zuckerberg has identified himself to be an atheist for several years now. However, just recently before 2016 ended he mentioned that he has been raised a Jew and has gone through several years when he questioned a lot of things and it includes religion. However, he further mentions that he believes that religion is an important part of a person's life.

Facebook has gone through a lot in the year 2016. It has been accused for imperialism in India. Additionally, it has also been accused of censoring historical photos and footages of human rights violations have been indicated to be livestreamed in Facebook.

After all the controversies that Facebook faced in the past year, it has remained strong. Mark Zuckerberg has kept it intact. Facebook is growing and is naturally going to a phase just like Google had five years ago.

Meanwhile, it has been indicated that Mark Zuckerberg did have a change of heart from being an atheist to believing that religion is important. There are no further details though about his faith. However, Zuckerberg and wife Priscilla already visited the Pope at the Vatican.

In their meeting, they discussed about how to bring out technology to the poor. This also includes how communication may work. Mark Zuckerberg then expressed that the Pope is a compassionate individual. He even shares further that the meeting is an unforgettable one. He also indicated that the Pope has been filled with kindness which they felt all the while.

TAGSfacebook, Mark Zuckerberg, religion
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