'Weight Loss Surgery' May Cause Indigestion; Gastrointestinal Problems A Possible Challenge?

By Carrie Winters - 02 Jan '17 05:30AM

A new research indicates that "weight loss surgery" can cause long term gastrointestinal problems. It is also indicated that the said surgery is to develop food intolerance to the individual.

According to a report, this "weight loss surgery" is called the Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass. This is a medical procedure where the stomach is being reduced at a smaller size. There are more patients going through the surgery because of its surgical benefits.

However, a research indicates that patients who undergo the "weight loss surgery" are more inclined to suffer from gastro intestinal problems. There are also those patients that cannot tolerate more food intake.

Right after the "weight loss surgery," there are more patients who experience more problems with the stomach. There are complaints of abdominal pains, diarrhea, indigestion and constipation. There are certain foods that the patient cannot tolerate right after the surgery.

The foods that are mostly to be causing issues with digestion for a patient who underwent the "weight loss surgery" include red meat and those foods that contain a high amount of sugar and fats. These may be sodas, fried foods, cakes and pastries.

Meanwhile, it is also indicated in a report that the best thing to do when a patient undergoes the "weight loss surgery" is to follow a strict diet so to avoid any problems with digestion. It is noted that patients need to avoid foods that are hard to digest.

The "weight loss surgery" though has a great impact in losing weight in just a period of time. It also does not have many complications for the patient. The gastrointestinal problems being experienced by patients happens in a two year span after surgery.

It is also indicated that "weight loss surgery" can help patients with diabetes. The procedure itself can reduce the sugar level. This surgery may help patients with diabetes to reduce the intake for their medication.

TAGSweight loss, weight loss surgery, weight loss study
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