Mysterious Alien Call From Mariana Trench Finally Identified By Scientists

By Donna Belle - 20 Dec '16 03:10AM

Two years ago, a team of marine biologists caught a very mysterious "metallic" sound 36,000 feet below the Earth's surface in the Mariana Trench. Recently, some pertinent information suggests that they may have finally uncovered the truth behind the alien call that got them all spooked.

A team of researchers from Oregon State University studied all possible angles regarding the mysterious sound and they have arrived at a conclusion that the alien-like sound could be a new kind of call from a baleen whale. They published their finding in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.

According to the new study, the mysterious call lasting 3.5 seconds is a new type of baleen whale call. The moaning noise hits super-low, then super-high frequencies, giving the impression of an eerie, metallic sound. the This initially baffled them as they have never heard anything like it before. Unfortunately, they still haven't figured out what the call actually means.  

The recording was picked up by an autonomous vehicle deep in the Mariana Trench, using a special acoustic instrument, the hydrophone, which dives up to 3,281 feet. The scientists were studying unchartered oceanic regions for months before they picked up the sound.

Some experts believe that it is a mating call from the baleen whale, according to Business Insider. Others are still skeptical. Marine bioacoustics expert, Sharon Nieukirk, stated that if the sound is a mating call, it doesn't explain why they're getting it year round since baleen whales mate only at a specific period.

With the recent publication of the sound, experts are hopeful that this will enable other researcher to help identify bizarre sound pattern. They hope that this will open new doors for a greater understanding of marine whale life.

Do you think the sound comes from a whale? Express your views in the comment section.

TAGSMariana Trench, scientists, Marine Biologist, depths, souns, alien call, Mysterious, metallic sound, Revelation, identified, baleen whale
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