‘iPhone SE’ Review, Specs & Deals This Christmas!

By Joyce Vega - 19 Dec '16 23:08PM

Apple’s iPhone is one of the most easily recognized names on the smartphone market. With years of tradition in building their models and expanding their capabilities, now Apple have looked back at their own work and have found inspiration in the past.

 Forbes has announced that Apple is giving a glance of the past with the iPhone SE. It has the old fashioned form and feel, filled with all the modern technology one may desire.
Still, there are some problems at hand and they are not one to be looked past through.
Apple has admitted that the new iPhone SE has some serious problems with its battery.
Short lifespan, falling charge, and plain death are among the problems which the buyers of the new iPhone SE may face together with their purchase of the phone. Apple is working on a fix but for now, nothing is certain.

If you are willing to take your chances with the iPhone SE, IT Pro have released a full review of the product and its capabilities. First good news about the new creation of Apple is that the product does not follow the tendencies of building bigger. Lately, the phone market has been swarmed with ever growing phablets, which proves a problem to those, who prefer a sleek and smaller design. If you are among these people this is the phone for you. Another strong point in the new iPhone SE is the fact that the phone works extremely fast, with barely any loading times. No longer should you wait for more than a few seconds for your phone to be in complete functional capabilities.

Among the downsides of the product is the lack of 128GB memory option on the lack of 3D Touch technology implemented in the model.

For those readers who have decided to make the purchase, Tech Radar has gathered the best offers which the market has on the phone. Low prices, fast deliveries and quality of product are guaranteed. For those who prefer additional goodies to their offers, there is the option of receiving a PS 4 or XBOX One by buying a 64GB for PS or a 16 – 64GB for the XBOX One.

The iPhone SE is available for purchase at specialized shops. Share your thoughts below!

TAGSiPhone SE, Iphone SE review, Iphone SE Specs, Iphone SE deals, Iphone SE christmas deals, Iphone SE update
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