Super Mario Run Guide: Here’s How To Get The Game On All Devices With A Single $10 Purchase

By Rushdie Collins - 17 Dec '16 03:50AM

Super Mario Run has been a major hit ever since it was released on the App Store, beating Pokemon Go with its record of 2.85 million downloads during the first day it was made available on iOS. A lot of gamers are enjoying the game a lot, immersing in a world that reminds gamers of the classic Super Mario franchise. However there is one downside, gamers have to pay $9.99 to get the entire game. Though some consider this is a better alternative to in-app purchases, families with multiple gadgets complain that they'd have to pay more than $10 to get the app in their other devices.

Luckily, it seems like there's a way to get Super Mario Run all of gamer's devices without paying extra. Here's a quick guide.

First, a gamer has to download Super Mario Run on the device they're currently using. Once that's done, gamers should open the app and then have it linked to their Nintendo account so that they can make overall purchase of $9.99. Remember to remember the Apple ID being used to make the purchase. Go to the next device that you want to have SMR in, and then go to the App Store and sign in under the Apple ID used to make the original SMR purchase. After that, download the App again. The store will recognize that SMR had already been purchased and will then proceed to ask whether the player wants to have the item for Free. Press yes.

There will be errors from the game once it comes out, but it's really easy to fix. All gamers have to do is close the game from multitasking and open it again. Simple as that.

Meanwhile on other SMR news, fans of the new Nintendo game are calling out to others to give a fair rating to the app. A few trolls have been taking down stars because they don't appreciate the single-time purchase of the game and now fans want to turn the tide around.

TAGSSuper Mario Run, Nintendo, SMR, apps, Gaming
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