Dishonored 2 News: Players Can Now Combine Emily And Corvo Special Abilities In First Of Two Dishonored 2 Updates

By Ike - 17 Dec '16 04:10AM

Last month saw the release of yet another installment to one of Bethesda's successful franchises, Dishonored. News has it that the developers are planning to add two updates to Dishonored 2, with the first update released on Dec. 16, and the second one pending a release in January.

According to Game Fragger, the first Dishonored 2 update will let players combine the special abilities of both the main characters Emily Kaldwin and Corvo Attano. Emily is the new playable character presented in the game, as the first Dishonored only had players using Corvo as he searches for the kidnapped Emily.

As for the second update for Dishonored 2, no specific news has been revealed, but it's said that it will allow more customization on the characters - very much like the ability to mix and match powers with the first update.

So far, Dishonored 2 game has been getting some very great reviews among users, but it seems that the game has seen a drop in sales since its release. According to a subreddit, the game was the fourth best-selling game within the week of its release, but the sales suddenly dropped by 38% compared to the sales of the original Dishonored game.

Hopefully, Bethesda's updates on Dishonored 2 will bring back some more interest in the game. Last year saw the successful release of Fallout 4 from the studio; hopefully they can meet the same success with Dishonored 2.

Dishonored 2 official synopsis is as follows: "Reprise your role as a supernatural assassin in Dishonored 2, the next chapter in the award-winning Dishonored series which won more than 100 'Game of the Year' Awards. When Delilah, a mad witch armed with powerful black magic, seizes the throne the fate of your Empire is left hanging in the balance, how far will you go to hunt down your enemies - and take back what's yours? As either Empress Emily Kaldwin or Corvo Attano, marked of the Outsider and gifted powerful new supernatural abilities, travel beyond the legendary streets of Dunwall to Karnaca - a once-dazzling coastal city that holds the key to restoring Emily to power and forever altering the fate of the Empire."

The first Dishonored 2 update was released in Dec. 16, and the second update is pending a release in Jan. 2017.

TAGSBethesda, Fallout 4, Dishonored, Dishonored 2, DLC, update, patch, Reviews, Corvo Attano, Emily Kaldwin, Dishonored 2 review, dishonored 2 news, dishonored 2 emily, Dishonored 2 update
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