Samsung Soon To Release New Version Of Gear VR; Galaxy S8 Update Soon To Be Revealed

By Jeroah Sabado - 17 Dec '16 04:30AM

If you're waiting for Samsung to reveal a new VR headset, then your wish is about to come true. Samsung is ready to roll out again with a new version of its VR headset. Sung-Hoon Hong, vice president of Samsung Electronics, says that they are working on a new version of Samsung Gear VR, a mobile virtual reality headset. According to Hong, the next version of the Gear VR could be revealed "in a short time".

Yet, people can't see what exactly Samsung will be adding to the new version of their Gear VR, since Hong didn't offer any details and no specifics were mentioned on what might be added. However, Hong added that Samsung is working on a better VR rendering machine and it's possible that the Gear VR will suit every phone's needs.

Few months ago, Samsung released an update for the Gear VR. They upgraded the Gear VR which becomes more comfortable and features USB-C. Since the issue of the exploding Galaxy Note 7, the tech giant remained close-mouthed about their headset.

Samsung Gear VR was released back in 2016 and was co-created with Oculus, a Facebook-owned company. Samsung also promised that they will release a phone that is compatible with the Daydream View, Google's version of virtual reality headset, perhaps the company is planning to support both virtual reality platforms simultaneously.

Another bright side of the story, an update for the Samsung Galaxy S8. No exact date yet on the release of Galaxy S8 but Samsung will still likely to dominate Apple iPhone 8 because of one reason. Everyone knows that Apple's iPhone 7 outmatched almost every devices in many ways. However, Samsung is working on display improvements and will use next-generation panels that not just improves display but also features Y-OCTA technology. 

TAGSsamsung gear vr 2, samsung's new gear vr, gear vr 2, upcoming VR headset, VR, VR Headset, Samsung Galaxy S8, Samsung Galaxy S8 News, Samsung Galaxy S8 Update, Samsung Gear VR
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