‘Overwatch' Fans Disappointed Over Mei's New Look For ‘Winter Wonderland’ Update; Blizzard Entertainment To Make Up For It

By Shor M - 16 Dec '16 03:20AM

Blizzard Entertainment has recently released its latest December expansion called the “Winter Wonderland” and it packs a whole lot of new things related to the yuletide season. But despite the updates, fans have voiced out that man of the season, woman rather, is not getting enough love.

Winter Wonderland” featured new skins, sprays, voices, and even a new playing mode. The new mode is a special mode wherein players, up to six per team, goes against each other in a snowball fight. The thing is, they have to knock each other out with Mei’s modified blaster, which shoots heavy powered snow balls.

Aside from the snowball game, Mei has nothing else special, according to fans. It seems like fans of “Overwatch” have noticed that despite all the new skins provide, Mei’s new skin was nothing out of the ordinary compared to the other characters. Zenyatta got a complete overhaul as he donned an outfit inspired from The Nutcracker Prince and Winston even went as the abominable snowman.

The other “Overwatch” heroes like Reaper, Symmetra, and Pharah got sparkly blings blings after Blizzard Entertainment gave them touches of frost glazed over new outfits. Even Torbjorn and Tracer looked cool in their respective Santa Claus and elf costumes. Unlike the other characters, Mei unfortunately got stuck with new colors instead.

Mei donned her usual outfit but were available in two color schemes, white and the Mei-rry colors that consist of the usual Christmas red and green theme. What is worse is that the Mei-rry skin is actually a legendary scheme. Fans are crying foul, voicing out their frustration that Mei, who definitely owns the winter theme did not get anything fancier.

Blizzard Entertainment has been made aware of this and to appease the rage of fans all over the world, they have announced that they will be releasing another update for Mei soon to make up for the “Winter Wonderland” disappointment. This had actually relieved fans as Blizzard Entertainment announced earlier that Mei will not be getting a new legendary skin for a long time after the simple Mei-rry skin.

TAGSOverwatch, Overwatch Update, Overwatch Winter Wonderland, Overwatch Mei, Overwatch Me Legendary Skin, Blizzard Entertainment
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