Overwatch News: Blizzard Responds to Mei Winter Skin Criticism, Might Give Mei Chinese New Year Skin

By Day Chang - 16 Dec '16 01:20AM

Overwatch hero Mei might be getting a new skin much sooner. Fans have immediately aired out their disappointment towards Mei's "Mei-rry" Legendary skin in the recent Winter Wonderland patch. While the cosmetic looked cute, players are saying it was simply recolored from Mei's standard outfit and wasn't really worth 3,000 credits. Players gain credits through opening loot boxes, which can be won in-game or bought for $1.99 a pair.

A user from the Battle.net forums named "Daddy" pleaded Blizzard to respond to the skin's criticism. And Blizzard actually did. According to Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan, the Overwatch Winter Wonderland skin was considered Legendary because the visual effects for Mei's Cryo-Freeze turned into a snowman instead of the standard block of ice. The effect was also based from previous community suggestions. The director apologized that the team's "cool meter" was off and did not meet the user's expectations.

Fans are also concerned that the Mei-rry skin might be last Legendary Mei skin to come out in a long while. Overwatch typically does not hand out event skins for all its characters.

"For people concerned that Mei is not going to get another Legendary for a long time," Overwatch game director, Kaplan responds. "you need not worry. We have something pretty awesome for her early next year."

Reddit users have speculated that this could mean Mei, resident Overwatch scientist with Chinese roots, will be getting a skin related to Chinese New Year which will fall on January in 2017. This is quite possible since the Lunar Festival has been celebrated in World of Warcraft and Heroes of the Storm.

"It's all good feedback and we're learning something for future events," Kaplan reassures Overwatch fans that the developers are listening. "We'll try to align better on future content."


TAGSOverwatch, Overwatch News, Overwatch Updates, blizzard, mei, mei skin, winter wonderland, Winter, winter event, Overwatch Winter, Overwatch patch, Jeff Kaplan, lunar festival, WoW, world of warcraft, hots, heroes of the storm, overwatch 2017, battlenet, Legendary, legendary skin, meirry, overwatch game, ps4, pc, Xbox, meiisbae, mei is bae, bae, Chinese New Year, China, Overwatch Mei, Overwatch Christmas Event, Overwatch Winter Wonderland
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