Nintendo Switch and Where to Watch Them?

By Danica Arkwright - 15 Dec '16 07:14AM

Ever since its debut in Tonight with Jimmy Fallon, fans are excited over Nintendo's upcoming console, the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo already announced that more details will be revealed on January 12, 2017, and a live stream from Tokyo can be viewed.

Earlier this year, Nintendo announced that they won't reveal any more details on Nintendo Switch. Nintendo will be hosting an event in Tokyo and New York, where they'll reveal more information about Nintendo Switch. They'll also hold a public viewing of the console where people can get to experience handling Nintendo Switch in their hands. Nintendo will most likely reveal information such as its price and its exact release date during their Tokyo event. Aside from those, there's a chance that Nintendo will reveal if the Nintendo Switch will support backward compatibility with their previous consoles.

Nintendo announced that their event on January 12 in Tokyo can be viewed online via live stream. The live stream is will become live on January 12, 2017, at 11 pm EST. The live stream can be viewed on Nintendo's website.

The Nintendo Switch is a hybrid console system that doubles a console and a portable system. Nintendo Switch sports two removable controllers at the side of the Switch's screen and a dock, where the Switch can be placed to double as a home console.

In an episode of Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, Nintendo brought along Nintendo Switch and featured its capabilities to the public for the first time. Fallon managed to get his hands on the Nintendo Switch for the first time. One of the first confirmed games for the Nintendo Switch is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and the public got a glimpse of what the upcoming Legend of Zelda title would look like when played on Nintendo Switch. There are also other games confirmed for the Nintendo Switch, including Skyrim and a Switch port of Stardew Valley.

To know more details about this hybrid console system, stay tuned on January 12, 2017! Share your thoughts below!

TAGSNintendo Switch, Nintendo
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