'Assassin's Creed' News & Updates: Michael Fassbender As Callum Lynch; Differences Between The Movie & The Game; Trailer Here

By Leby Nightray - 14 Dec '16 15:53PM

"Assassin's Creed", one of the most popular video games,  is finally turning into a movie and will soon hit the big screen. The interactive and graphically good game will be so hard to match with an equally good production of a movie but with the cast and Director preparing everything, this might not be too hard to reach.

"Assassin's Creed" movie will star Michael Fassbender and Marion Cottilard but before talking about the movie, the original which is the game must be examined. According to a review, the first ever "Assassin's Creed" game completely captivated gamers and the second installment that was released two years after the first one gave the gamers a positively odd feeling one wouldn't feel in other games. Then after just one year, the 'Brotherhood' sequel game of AC was released, then another year later 'Revelations' followed and so on. Gamers suddenly felt and voiced out how the quality of the game is slipping out.

Now, the "Assassin's Creed" movie will fill the void the gamers have as it was announced that there would be no new AC game this year. Luckily, the movie will be released soon under 20th Century Fox and the latest trailer was around two minutes long. The trailer gave out few details like how the setup was similar to the game but the assassin is different, instead of Desmond Miles, Michael Fassbender will play the lead as Callum Lynch. The movie will also be set in Spanish Inquisition rather than in Holy Land of the 12th Century.

"Assassin's Creed" movie is well-anticipated as actor Michael Fassbender, who some may have seen in "X-Men" as Magneto, will play the lead with Marion Cottilard who will play a character that is a high-ranking official of a mysterious group of Templars. Fassbender also revealed that they did so many things and the shooting are done in the real location and not in green screen. 

"Assassin's Creed" movie which stars Michael Fassbender and Marion Cottilard worked with director Justin Kurzel. The movie is set to be released this December 21 in the USA.

TAGSAssassin's Creed, AC, Michael Fassbender, Marion Cottilard, 20th Century Fox
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