Apple's Air Pods Are 'Cool,' Say The Reviews - Better Buy Now To Beat The Christmas Rush

By Victoria Stark - 14 Dec '16 09:41AM

It seems that Apple's AirPods are worth the wait, as at least one review has sung its praises and called it extremely 'cool.' That's all the more reason to trot into the Apple stores, retail shops, and other third-party sellers. Expect these earpieces that just might make those cumbersome headphones obsolete to disappear from the shelves before Christmas.

The Rolling Stone review is overwhelmingly positive, while mentioning some of the flaws of the legendary tech hub's new brainchild. Hands-free, wireless earpieces that can stream quality sound into its users' hearing facilities have been in demand for the past year, but no company can seem to make the perfect model. Not surprisingly, Apple rose to the challenge with its announcement of its AirPods. It can be said that Apple itself had pioneered the way for the development of these tech earbuds by removing the headphone jack from its iPhone7.

The design lives up to the Apple standard, which the reviewer describes as 'slick, simple, and highly functioning.' But what sets it apart from other wireless earpieces is its overall integration into the Apple ecosystem. Just one click on your iPhone and music from your iTunes flows seamlessly into your ears. The sound quality is excellent. You can also use the AirPods to act like a Siri. Tapping into the earpieces' sweet spot wil enable you to give a voice-command to your iPhone's virtual assistant. You can easily ask 'her' the day's weather forecast, directions to the nearest cafe, or send a message to your buddy to join you.

Apple got a lot of flack for delaying the release of the AirPods into the stores, after announcing its launch last September. But now that these products are on a rollout, expect a race of eager iPhone users to be the first to own one. The Business Insider warns that quantity is limited. Other initial positive reviews will just whet everyone's appetite.

Another way to beat the rush is do a search online. Just be prepared to pay a high price. Early customers are selling their AirPods, which cost $159, at twice the price.

TAGSapple, AirPod, Apple AirPod, wireless earpiece
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