‘Marvel Contest Of Champions’ Guide: Here’s How Players Can Easily Beat Hyperion

By Harry J. - 14 Dec '16 09:47AM

Players of "Marvel Contest of Champions" who are having a hard time beating Hyperion need to learn some of the tricks that can accomplish the challenge. Some players have found some difficulty in completing the stages of the game. So, here are some tips on how to easily beat Hyperion in this video game.

Players Can Defeat Hyperion By Using The Heroes Of The Game

The first trick in "Marvel Contest of Champions" is to use Dr. Strange. Players are advised to use this character at his maximum level. Although Dr. Strange may be a bit difficult to use, the outcome will more than compensate for the trouble. Players can use his life steal, fate steal and also his counterspells during the battle.

The second strategy in "Marvel Contest of Champions" is to use Vision. Players can use his AOU uniform or his original skill. By using Vision's first skill, the player can automatically force this character to utilize his second skill. But the player must remember that the power bar must reach level three.

Three Additional Tricks That Can Defeat Hyperion

The third technique that can be used in "Marvel Contest of Champions" involves Magik. Players can use the special that enables this character to perform a power lock on the opponent. If this is accomplished, the power acquired by the opponent will be canceled. This will enable the player to overcome the enemy.

The fourth trick a player can use in "Marvel Contest of Champions" involves a champion like Jane Frost, Thor, Juggernaut and other heroes. In this trick, the player must use the null skill or fate steal of the character against the opponent. By using this strategy, the player can avoid the opponents move of casting a power gain.

The fifth and last tip that can be used in "Marvel Contest of Champions" involves Magneto. But the player must use this character's original uniform and the stats of the uniform must be at the top. By using this technique, the player will be able to tank his way through the game.

TAGSMarvel Comics, Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, Marvel vs Capcom Infinity, Marvel and Capcom
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