Samsung Gear S3, Apple Watch Series 2 Smartwatch Battle: Which Is Better?

By Harry J. - 14 Dec '16 09:45AM

Two tech giants, Apple and Samsung, are fighting it out in the arena of smartwatches. Both makers of the Samsung Gear S3 and the Apple Watch Series 2 have the capability of putting out great smartwatches that offer stylish design combined with effective functionalities. Consumers are therefore left with the unenviable position of choosing which of the two is better. By comparing their features, design, and capabilities, perhaps the choice will be easier.

They Are Different In Styles

The Samsung Gear S3 and the Apple Watch Series 2 are different when it comes to style and design. Samsung's smartwatch has more of an outdoor appearance even with its expensive materials, although its circular shape evokes more of the classic or conventional style. Apple's smartwatch, on the other hand, has more of the phone look. Its rectangular shape is very appropriate to anyone's wrist. The stainless steel case topped off by a ceramic finish is a big improvement.

Both Have Good Operating Systems

In terms of software, the Samsung Gear S3 and the Apple Watch Series 2 both offer exemplary features. The Gear S3 is less powerful but it offers approximately 10,000 apps to the user. It also comes with a built-in warning mode. This informs people where the user is located. The Series 2, on the other hand, has a powerful OS, a real-time heart rate function for fitness buffs and the Pokemon Go which can be a lot of fun for fans of the game.

Both Have Their Own Strengths

The Samsung Gear S3 and the Apple Watch Series 2 is both durable. Samsung's Gear S3 boasts of its ability to handle rough conditions. It has undergone standard military tests and is found to ably handle extreme temperatures. Meanwhile, Apple has never boasted about the endurance capability of its Series 2. But it says that the device is waterproof. That means the unit will survive dips in the water.

In terms of hardware, the Samsung Gear S3, and the Apple Watch Series 2 are different from each other. The Series 2 is run by a dual-core S2 processor, while the Gear S3 is powered by a dual-functioning 1 GHz CPU. The latter is also equipped with a gyroscope, an accelerometer and a GPS.

TAGSSamsung Gear S3 News, Samsung Gear S3 Updates, Samsung Gear S3, Samsung Gear S3 features, Apple Watch, Apple Watch 2 Release Date, Apple Watch 2, Apple Watch 2 Rumors
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