The Real Reason Why 'DOOM 4' Never Happened; Gameplay Footages Revealed

By Mara T - 14 Dec '16 03:05AM

After years of anticipation, the "DOOM 4" project was confirmed to be canceled and id Software staffers finally explain what really happened. The project was first announced in 2008, where pre-orders are already accepted, but was scrapped after 3 years of work. Then suddenly a new "DOOM" project had surfaced and released early this year.

"DOOM 4" Similar to "Call of Duty"

So what really happened in the "DOOM 4" project that iD Software decided to cancel the project? In one of the recent episode of NoClip documentary for "DOOM", developers from iD Software has revealed that the game felt it was too similar to other first person shooter games and less of what a "DOOM" game is all about.

What went Wrong with "DOOM 4" According to Marty Stratton, Producer of the game, he felt the game resembled "Call of Duty" too much and even called it "Call of DOOM" which they did not really like. Game critics seemed to think the same as Gamespot refers to it as "It was much closer to something like that type of game." The game didn't felt the same, with all the new characters and setting. Just the fact that "DOOM" 4" took place in Earth already shows it is a completely different game.

Stratton says it felt like it was players VS zombies which are not the way a "DOOM" game should be. Hugo Martin, creative director, also explains why "DOOM 4" didn't feel right for him. He says the game was being more realistic as it focuses more on the impact of the terrifying invasion. This is actually an interesting concept that makes sense for a "DOOM" game but that is not what this game is all about. He says "I would probably want to explore that, too - if it wasn't a "DOOM" game,"

TAGSDoom 4, DOOM 4 Gameplay Footages, DOOM 4 Gameplay Footages Revealed, Reason Why Doom 4 Never Happened, doom, DOOM 4 News, DOOM 4 Update, DOOM 4 Latest News, DOOM 4 Latest Update
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