'One China Policy': China Sent a Signal For A Severe Global Crisis. Will Donald Trump Give In?

By Michael Davis - 13 Dec '16 19:06PM

For over 40 years, US-China Relation worked flawlessly with their bilateral deal in the field of economy. The relationship is slowly stained with the coming of Donald Trump as the next US President.

White House expressed that Washington's "One China Policy" is a stronghold of the US with its current trade with China and never be used in as bargain so the US gets what it wants. In an interview with Fox News, US President-Elect Donald Trump said, "the United States did not necessarily have been bound by its long-standing position that Taiwan is part of China."

Beijing also expressed that the "One China Policy" should be recognized by any US President as this is the bedrock and the strongest foundation in the US-China Relation. China got bombarded recently by the incoming US President on his Twitter account making the tension getting worst.

Military confrontation is provoked that will become a global crisis during the term of Donald Trump as US President according to the Political analysts. It is not an assumption that he will leap off from the "one China Policy" but the possibility is at stake that will ruin the US-China Relation for good.

The incoming US President should never forget that China's power in terms of their nuclear warheads is being capable with Xian H-6 bomber. If Donald Trump continues to offend China, the global crisis will stage on the International community in a brink of chaos.

America, may in turn can afford a war but other countries could not. China is no ordinary foe that Trump can push around just to get what he wants. Trump should remember how vital China is to any other country in terms of economy and the country's capacity in terms of military forces.

China is a composition of many regions that is more powerful than anybody can think of. US President Donald Trump should stop a global crisis and reestablish recognition with the "One China Policy.

TAGSOne- China policy, US President, US-China relation, global crisis, China
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