The Real Reason Behind Doom 4's Cancellation Finally Revealed - All The Details Here, How Good Is DOOM?

By Ileen Jasmine - 14 Dec '16 09:31AM

A few years ago, Doom 4 was announced to be released. This has caused a frenzy with the game's fanbase. Which is why it came as a huge shock when the much-anticipated game was announced to be canceled.

Thankfully, the game was rebooted into the DOOM game that fans have come to love today. However, the reason behind Doom 4's cancellation still remains a mystery until today.

The answer to this question is simple. It was said that Doom 4 felt a lot like Call of Duty by Activision. This means it is far from the Doom idSoftware originally created. The video company did not want fans to get confused with both games' similarities and feared the fans would lose interest in future franchises from the company.

This was recently confirmed by id Software's own Marty Stratton. In an interview with NoClip, Stratton revealed, "It was much closer to something like [Call of Duty].[There were] a lot more cinematic[s]; a lot more story to it. A lot more characters around you that you were with throughout the course of the game."

In the interview, fans also found out that Doom 4 would have taken place on Earth if it was released. According to Statton, "It didn't feel as much like Doom as I think a lot of us expected it would feel or hoped it would feel."

It was reported that this is how Doom 2016 came to be. According to critics, this controversial decision was a good one for the company. 

Doom 2016 turned out to be one of the best games idSoftware has released in the recent years. The game was highly rated in several websites, rating 85% on Metacritic. Doom 2016 was also rated 88% on PC Gamer, and a booming 8/10 rate by Trust Reviews.

Have you tried to play Doom? Share your thoughts about the game in the comment section below.

TAGSdoom, Doom 4, idSoftware, Xbox, Gaming
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