‘Final Fantasy XV’ Guide: Here Are Some Easy Tips On Unlocking The Hidden Pitioss Ruins Dungeon

By Harry J. - 13 Dec '16 09:31AM

"Final Fantasy XV" has been released recently and the players found out that the video game has a lot of secrets to discover. But many gamers agree that there is one particular and mysterious dungeon, the Pitioss Ruins, that offers them a very unique experience. This caused a lot of stir that made most players want to discover where this secret dungeon is and how it can be unlocked.

This Dungeon Offers An Unconventional Setting

Game Rant said that the interest for this secret dungeon in "Final Fantasy XV" was sparked by the rumor that it offers an out-of-the-box setting. For instance, it appears that this secret hideout has no enemies lurking inside. It also doesn't seem to have a Royal Tomb, there is no boss fight, and Noctiis is required to go there alone.

The ruins are supposed to be full of puzzles and pitfalls. They are designed to try the patience and the skills of the players. In this regard, gamers who are overly anxious when confronted by a platforming system inside a non-platforming game will not be prepared to tackle the dungeon challenge.

Players Must First Complete The Main Story

Whatever the case, players need to complete the main story campaign first before they try to access it, since this will enable them to access the end of the video game content. After they accomplish this, Cindy will upgrade their vehicle to the Regalia Type-F airship. Every player must take note of this because it is the most important thing they need to remember if they want to access the dungeon.

Once the players get their upgraded vehicle, they can fly around and do their search faster and easier. They should travel far east, towards the Rock of Ravatogh where there is a small yellow line indicated in the map. There is a landing strip there but they have to overcome strong enemies before they can reach a simple structure. It is actually the Pitioss Ruins.

TAGSFinal Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy 15, Final Fantasy XV news, Final Fantasy XV Walkthrough, Final Fantasy XV update, Final Fantasy XV teaser, Final Fantasy 15 Guide, Final Fantasy 15 Tips and Tricks, Final Fantasy XV Tips
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