Radiation Island: Find Out How Tricks, Cheats, Weapons And Craft Items Helps For Survival

By Rain Cervantes - 14 Dec '16 02:10AM

Every online or application game comes along with a back story and experimentations that would catch the players' attention. Radiation Island captures the urban legend of the Philadelphia Experiment and the players end up with an alternate unfriendly dimension of the US Navy's experimentation with cloaking US vessels.

The gamers' main goals are to solve the trouble of getting back home and how to survive the hostilities using weapons. These weapons will range from bow and arrow to a pick ax and even a simple spade shovel. The gamers' world is populated by crocodiles, bears, and zombies. The zombies double as guards for the military base twofold.

The craft weapons of players can arc a short distance. Other items that can be crafted include vehicles and tools. The island's geography depicts deep forests, the aforementioned military bunkers, waterways, abandoned villages and islands to be explored. The Nice thing about Radiation Island, there is a day and night cycle.

There are tricks or cheats that would help the players. The gamer should know the difference between adventure and exploration mode. The type of experience players will derive from Radiation Island depends on what mode the play this game is in. Adventure mode has a difficult game mechanic of losing one's currently equipped weapon upon death. The Exploration mode will not lose anything after the players' death and the instructions are quite simple.

The player should become familiar with the basic items and craft items. There is a detailed lineup of items that needed to gather to increase chances of staying alive or keeping one safe from hunger. The basic essentials need to collect throughout the island are flint, twigs, stones, leather, fiber, medical plans, leaves, titanium ore, sulfur ore, and fish iron ore.

The gamers should craft a few weapons for the road ahead and craft some leather clothing to build defenses. The lists of crafting materials needed to build up are a boomerang, slingshot, bow, arrowheads, arrow, and spear. This is an exciting game! The Radiation Island is also available from Google Play for $2.99 and it has no added ads as well as IAP's.


TAGSRadiation Island, app game, Google Play
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