What Makes People Happy? Money Or Good Health [Study]

By Mohender - 13 Dec '16 05:59AM

A study conducted in London school of Economics reveals that key to happiness is good mental health and good relationships. In fact, money cannot buy Love or happiness.

It Is Better To Tackle Anxiety And Depression Rather Than Poverty

As reported on Medical Daily a study was conducted on 200,000 British people which revealed that poor mental health can pose the greatest threat to a person's overall wellness. The study proves that things that relate to human happiness and misery are social relationships and mental and physical health. Money is not that crucial as far as happiness is concerned.

People Are Happy When They Don't lose money Rather Than Earning More

A separate research was conducted on 18,527 adults in Germany and United Kingdom. It was concluded that while people getting raise at work did not affect their life. But with a reported loss of income, the whole group of adults was found dissatisfied with their lives.

Failed Relationships May Lead to Human Miseries

According to a landmark research human beings should focus on relationships rather than poverty to make their lives happy. Eliminating depression and anxiety can lead to the reduction of misery by 20 percent. On the other hand while focusing on the elimination of poverty there is only 5 percent reduction in misery, The Guardian reports.

It is also a fact that a child's level of happiness should not be predicted by his qualification. In fact, it is mental health of children which make them a happy human being.

In the past government, organizations were busy taking successive measures on unemployment, education, poverty, and physical health. But it is equally important to eliminate depression, domestic violence, anxiety conditions, exam mania and alcoholism.

Another way to eliminate anxiety and depression is to practice a healthy life. Doing some exercises on a regular basis may lead to good results.

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