[WATCH] Unseen Akira Game Boy Titles Discovered And Revealed Astonishing Game Plays; Mini NES Classic Console Lottery Ticket

By Jayde Winston - 13 Dec '16 06:00AM

Last October, a video game personality Patrick Scott Patterson crossed upon four prototypes of unreleased Akira Titles. Now, Patterson was able to connect and run Akira Titles on a Super Game Boy and the games were breathtaking.

Akira was a breakthrough hit back in the 90's. Famicom never released a version outside Japan the reason why Akira was lost in the shadows. This time it has revealed itself, and Patrick Scott Patterson just recently released what's inside the Akira Game Boy Title. Nintendo Life shared what's inside Akira Game Boy Titles, and it surely will give NES a run for its money.

"The game looks promising despite its unfinished state, with the bike section looking particularity fun. Sadly the platforming stage mechanics are not implemented at all despite having all the graphics in place. At least now we can have a better glimpse at what the game's producers were aiming at, sticking close to the famous anime movie's plot."

The mysteries about Akira continuous as there is no further records showing about the video game company Basento. Furthermore, with its excellent game presentations and bizarre games, surely everyone will know about Basento and Akira.

On the other side of the story since retro gaming is such as huge hit. The Nintendo Mini NES Classic Console receives a new gig from its retailers. Think Geek will be selling Mini NES Classic Console stocks but for lucky lottery winners. Yes! Think Geek will hold a lottery competition in order to be fair with all of its customers.

Since the Nintendo Mini NES Classic Consol stocks have been causing such huge desperation, Think Geek offers a balance and fair trading. The customer should only create a free account for Think Geek in order to be qualified for the lottery. Furthermore, the number of winners will be based on the number of stocks the company gets.

What are your thoughts about Akira Game Boy Unreleased Titles? Also, Nintendo Mini NES Classic Console shortage? Tell us in the comment section below.

TAGSNintendo Mini NES Classic, Nintendo Mini NES Classic Stock Update, Nintendo Mini Nes, Nintendo Mini NES Classic Restock, Nintendo Mini NES Classic Think Geek Stocks, Nintendo Mini NES Classic Think Geek Stocks Lottery
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