Watch Out For Supermoon And Geminid Shower This December

By Audrey - 13 Dec '16 12:57PM

Don't miss out on the brightest celestial phenomenon this December. This Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, everyone awaits the magnificent supermoon and Geminid meteor shower.

The supermoon made it to the headlines last month, and December 14 won't be any different. As published by Fox News, supermoon is a phenomenon that happens when the moon having an elliptical orbit is closest to earth. At the same time it will appear to be full from the vantage point of people on the planet. These two factors are what makes it brighter, up to 30 percent, according to NASA.

As if a much bigger and brighter moon isn't enough to put one in awe, get ready for the annual Geminid meteor shower. This is when Earth passes through material that comes from an "extinct comet". This is also known as 3200 Phaethon, as mentioned by NASA. When they burn up, the meteors strike across the sky, thus making stunning shooting stars.

The best time to check out the meteor shower is just before the break of dawn come Wednesday morning. So, to see the supermoon, make close watch on Tuesday evening. Then to catch a glimpse of as many shooting stars possible, look for a dark place to stargaze come Wednesday morning when everything's still pitch black.

The Closest Moon In Seventy Years

The supermoon that was seen on November 14 was the closest full moon in the 21st century, per Tech Times. Earth won't experience this closeness again until November 2034. The perigee moon can be up to 14 percent larger and 30 percent brighter compared to the full moon in the apogee position. However, different factors may contribute to its variation, such as clouds, or intense lighting in urban cities. Nonetheless, the supermoon is undeniably beautiful and mesmerizing in itself. For more of Supermoon and Geminid Meteor Shower news and other tidbits, keep it here on News Everyday.

TAGSsupermoon, Geminid Meteor Shower, December Supermoon, December Geminid Meteor Shower, Supermoon 2016, Geminid Shower 2016
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