Top 10 'Final Fantasy XV' Tips & Tricks To Make The Game Easier, Have Longer Life!

By Lasitha Raj - 12 Dec '16 12:00PM

"Final Fantasy XV" is one of the most popular game and there are many players who find out various ways to win. Winning the game is definitely not easy. So they resort to shortcuts to win. We have consolidated top 10 tips to complete the game easily. Here is the list:

Acquire extra XP and Get an XP boost: The players will have to acquire extra XP by completing quests and defeating beasts. The players can actually get a boost to the accumulated XP overnight and this will be applied the next day. At the onset of night, players can check into the Lestallum Hotel which will give a 1.5 XP boost to the banked XP for only 500 Gil.

Another alternative is for the players to check into Galdin Quay Hotel which will give 2.0 XP boost to the banked XP. However, an overnight stay will cost 10,000 Gil (players can also skip Galdin and go straight to Lestallum to save thousands of banked XP), reported Mashable.

Infinite Sprinting Through Refreshing Stamina Bar: To refresh "Stamina" bar for infinite sprinting, unlock "Infinite Stamina" by letting go of the sprint button until the Stamina bar becomes depleted. After this, the button should be held for a split second afterward. By doing so, the Stamina bar will be refreshed for infinite running and sprinting. To extend the Stamina bar by jumping while sprinting, display the Stamina bar in the options menu to monitor how much stamina is left, reported CNet.

Spend "Ability Points" in Ascension: The gamers will have to spend "Ability Points" in Ascension to boost stats and abilities of the characters. This can be done by acquiring the "Regroup Ability" of Ignis. This ability can heal a whole party and will serve as a lifesaver in various situations. After acquiring the "Regroup Ability", the players should aim for nodes with AP-gaining abilities in "Final Fantasy XV."

Sell items to earn money: The players should aim to store items in the Treasures category of the inventory by traveling as much as possible. The players should aim to discover and store items to sell in "Final Fantasy XV." The players should sell collected items to keep the money coming. The plus thing is that the players will be able to buy stronger weapons using the money earned.

Switch between "Wait" and "Active" combat: "Wait combat" is similar to the turn-based play of older "Final Fantasy" games where time stops until the player moves. This gives the player a free will to execute singular strategies. On the other hand, "Active Combat", on the other hand, plays real time where Noctis swings his sword as the player hits a button. Point the controller to the desired direction to move Noctis.

Use fork and knife icons on the minimap and Use "Fast Travel": The fork and knife icons on the minimap symbolize diners in "Final Fantasy XV." Diners are the best sources of income in "Final Fantasy XV". To do so, visit each diner and talk to the owner by selecting the "Talk" option. The player should drive around to explore "Final Fantasy XV." The players should use "Fast Travel" to make the game easier. To do so, go to the "Auto" destination menu and unlock all the items with a white fast-forward icon beside it

Make use of the "Return to Rest Point/Car" options and Unlock nodes carefully: The "Return to Rest Point/Car" option warps the player quickly to the last rest point or car used. To make "Final Fantasy XV" easier, the player should unlock 1-2 "Health Level" nodes. These will be found under the Statistics tree. The player should try and get the first "Accessory Slot" nodes as well.

Use "Chocobo": The players should use a "Chocobo" to experience a stomping pace of walking and a quick but fixed-route transport. "Final Fantasy XV" players can gain access to use "Chocobos" in Chapter 3.

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