'Pokemon Sun And Moon' Tips & Tricks: Don't Have A 3DS Yet? Here's How To Play On PC

By Maria David - 12 Dec '16 10:02AM

"Pokemon Sun And Moon" was recently released and fans of the long-time running game are very impressed with the game's new and improved graphics and features. However, there is one tiny downside, it is limited to the Nintendo 3DS, but that is about to change.

According to NeuroGadget, gaming platform limitations will no longer stop a true Pokemon trainer from becoming the Alola Champion because "Pokemon Sun And Moon" can be played on a PC using an emulator. Although it is not an official release version of the game for PC, it is still a way to enjoy the popular game while one has yet to get a 3DS. However, it is probably best to grab yourselves one of those consoles as it is still the best way to enjoy the game to its full potential.

Playing "Pokemon Sun And Moon" on a PC will dish out better graphics and better frame rate, ultimately smiting down and lag spikes are frame rate loss. The steps to set-up a flawless "Pokemon Sun And Moon" emulator is quite tricky as it requires the player to tweak the PC's graphic card, luckily Mobile & Apps found an easy way.

Starting off, the player must be sure that the computer rig is up to the task, meaning that it has enough processing power to emulate "Pokemon Sun And Moon." It is worth mentioning that older machines are not the best candidate to play the game with.

The first step to set up "Pokemon Sun And Moon" on PC is to download the emulator which and ROM file. It would be best to purchase the original game and get the ISO from there on.

After downloading and installing the emulator and ROM file for "Pokemon Sun And Moon" the next step is to turn off the Vertical Synchronization to see massive FPS improvements. Once that is all good, proceed to fix the glitchy lines on the game screen by utilizing the "Cheats" that can be found on the "Emulation" menu. Enter the codes for line removal in in a particular order. In the situation that you wish to get rid of the Black lines as well, there is also a set of codes you can use.

Moreover, there is also a cheat for faster communication and it is done by inputting a particular set of codes. All the handy codes and how to use them can be found via Mobile & Apps. It is worth mentioning that this portion is completely optional for the player.

If everything was done in accordance with this guide, you should now be well equipped to set off on your journey to becoming the Alola Champion in "Pokemon Sun And Moon." Stay tuned to News Everyday for more tips and tricks on your favorite games.

TAGSPokemon Sun and Moon, pokemon sun and moon tips and tricks, Pokemon Sun And Moon PC
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