'Dead Rising 4' Gameplay, News & Update: True Ending Is For Sale As DLC?

By Maria David - 07 Dec '16 06:10AM

"Dead Rising 4" is a title that was received by fans with mixed emotions and with good reason. Apparently, the zombie game series has been given several chances to make itself well received by the gaming community. However, "Dead Rising 4" turned out to be a disappointment, for a completely different reason.

Since the release of "Dead Rising 4" fans were eager to see if the game developers took to heart the second and third chances given to them by the public. It is worth mentioning that the first few installments of "Dead Rising" was not good at all, despite that, fans are still trying the game out as per Community Voices. It seems that those players who have finished the game found it to have a rather abrupt ending, as reported by CG Mag Online. 

After having multiple hoards of undead flesh gluttons thrown at the player, a sudden ending came next and fans had raised eyebrows about it. The ending "Dead Rising 4" had was frankly lacking in a massive way and it seems that there has to be more. Apparently, the game developers made it very obvious that there was more to the ending than the game let out. Moreover, they plan to sell that ending to the players who can't sleep at night wondering what the ending should have been.

According to This Gen Gaming, this marketing strategy "Dead Rising 4" has chosen to dish out has caused fans to go on a raging frenzy against the game. Complaints have been flying from left and right from fans expressing their disappointment about the ending. Moreover, it wasn't just the ending that is now for sale that ticks off the fans.

Apparently, "Dead Rising 4" also decided to ditch some core features that fans have learned to know and love in previous installments of the game. This includes the timer and Frank West's voice being completely different.

If we were to rank the reasons fans now detest "Dead Rising 4" the paid overtime DLC definitely takes the cake. Stay tuned to News Everyday for more updates on your favorite games.

TAGSDead Rising 4, Dead Rising 4 News, Dead Rising 4 Updates
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