Teen Wolf Season 6 'Relic' Episode Recap: Did Scott Successfully Protect Everyone From Ghost Riders? Where Did Stiles Hide The Relic?

By Abe Narra - 07 Dec '16 05:00AM

In this week's Teen Wolf, it was a one hour-long fail for Scott and his friends, his pack and basically anyone who does not identify themselves as a Ghost rider. The previous episode titled Sundowning also managed to make its ratings higher - kind of.

In this episode, titled Relics, fans watched as Scott tried to protect last week's partygoers from the Ghost Riders and kind of failed. It was not their fault, though. For one reason, the Ghost Riders are just strong and none of the teens in the pack's protection are really cooperating. Audiences cannot deny that Malia's sidepiece is not really up to any good.

Another reason can be tagged to Lydia but yet again, everything happened far beyond her control. When she was tasked with finding one of Stile's relics, a granted access to the Stilinski residence was given to her.

However, Lydia was suggested by a ghostly guide to rip off the wallpaper in the living room, making Mama Stilinski revoke the access given to her. Melissa gave Lydia and her mom access to Claudia's medical files, and they found out that she has been suffering from dementia for the past 10 years. Melissa even said that it is a miracle that she is alive.

The pack may feel the loss, with Scott suggesting that they might have been wrong about Stiles' existence, but the final moment put the nail in the coffin on how wrong they are. Stiles left a relic behind the school parking lot in Roscoe, the name of the jeep.

Last week's "Sundowning" managed to boost its ratings a little bit to 430,000 viewers overall. It is still considered low for the show yet it is not the series low setting second episode. Unfortunately, even this isn't holding very well for MTV latest show, Sweet/Vicious, which has its rating so low, that it doesn't even rank into the top 150 most watched shows on Tuesday night. 

TAGSTeen Wolf Season 6, Stiles, Scott, Roscoe, Claudia, Sundowning
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