Isis 'Beyond Anything we have Seen', warns US Defense Secretary

By Steven Hogg - 22 Aug '14 02:28AM

The U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said on Thursday that the Islamic State (Isis) terrorist group is  "beyond anything we've seen".

Speaking at a press conference in Pentagon along with Army General Martin Dempsey, Hagel said that Isis was a caliber above previous terrorist groups the United States has faced and described the organization as barbaric.

It also poses a looming threat to U.S. interests in Iraq and anywhere in the world, he said, according to The Guardian.

"Isil is as sophisticated and well funded as any group that we have seen. They're beyond just a terrorist group. They marry ideology, a sophistication of strategic and tactical military prowess, they are tremendously well funded. Oh, this is beyond anything that we've seen, so we must prepare for everything," Hagel added.

The U.S. will not give up its efforts to enable the safe release of people still held by the terrorist group, he said, according to CBS News.

Countering the criticism leveled by some Republicans against the government's decision to acknowledging the rescue attempt of American hostages, Haley said that many media outlets were already writing stories on the rescue attempt. He added that the families of the hostages were also informed.

General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that Isis have to be defeated as the organization has an apocalyptic, end of the days strategic vision. He added that it can be contained, but not perpetually.

A retired General, John Allen, who commanded the Afghanistan war from 2011 to 2013, asked President Obama to order the destruction of Isis.  He urged Obama to take fast action to restrain its spread. He said it had to be broken up and destroyed completely, The Guardian reports citing DefenseOne website.

Following the killing of U.S. journalist James Foley, Secretary of State John Kerry had called for destroying Isis and President Obama called it a "cancer".

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