Huawei Latest News: Now World’s Third Biggest Smartphone Maker; Wants To Beat Apple In Five Years

By Harry J. - 06 Dec '16 11:36AM

Huawei Technologies Co. is now the third largest smartphone maker in the world, according to a Wall Street Journal report published on Sunday. The report was penned by Juno Osawa. If this is true, this company has beaten all the other smartphone manufacturers in the world, except the first two.

Huawei Claims Its Approach Is The Key

The WSJ report dwells on Huawei Technologies Co.'s approach of "hard-charging workplace culture drive growth." This smartphone manufacturer is based in Shenzhen, China. The report also said that the company was able to surpass its rivals in the last five years, by doubling its revenues to almost $60 billion.

With these figures, Huawei Technologies Co has earned the distinction of being the third biggest smartphone manufacturer by shipment, according to the report. "That explosive growth, company insiders say, is partly the result of employees' willingness to sacrifice vacations, forgo overtime pay and, sometimes, risk their lives to further the corporate cause," wrote Osawa. But which companies have beaten Huawei in the first and second spot?

Samsung Has Led All Smartphone Makers

According to data for the second quarter of 2016 provided by the International Data Corporation, the South Korean tech giant Samsung have led all smartphone makers around the world. It was followed by another tech giant, Apple of the United States. But by being third on the charts, Huawei Technologies Co has beaten Sony, and another China-based tech company, ZTE.

There's A Global Shifting Of Smartphone Markets Again

The recent data again showed that the global rankings for smartphone vendors have shifted again. This will continue to happen as the two Chinese tech giants, Huawei Technologies Co and ZTE push for bigger slices in the world's smartphone market. It is significant that new players are seemingly dominating the lion's share.

Based on data from the IDC, Huawei Technologies Co grew by 89.5 percent year-over-year. It was able to ship approximately 10.8 million smartphones in Q4 2012. That figure placed the company on third spot, with Apple getting $47.8 million and Samsung managing to acquire $63.7 million.

TAGSHuawei, Huawei Honor 6X dual camera feature, Huawei phone, Huawei Honor 8, Huawei Mate 9, Huawei Mate 9 review
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