'Final Fantasy XV' Guide: How To Summon Astrals; Locations Of Dungeons In Leide

By Shor M - 06 Dec '16 05:38AM

With the recent release of “Final Fantasy XV” and with official guide not available yet, players have relied on tips and tricks from other players. One of the things that the new “Final Fantasy” installment still has are the summons, which is referred to as astrals in the game. It is quite a handful looking for the locations of the astrals and there are different ways on how to acquire each.

How To Summon Astrals

Finding and acquiring the astrals is one thing and it is whole new different story when it comes to summoning them in "Final Fantasy XV". Carbuncle will appear when Noctis’s HP runs dangerously low and it will fully heal Noctis. But Carbuncle reportedly rarely appears to aid Noctis in certain modes. Titan can only be summoned in wide plain areas. Like Titan who needs to summoned in certain places, Leviathan can only be summoned when there is a body of water nearby.

Ramuh can be summoned practically anywhere, being the nifty astral that he is. As for Bahamut and Shiva, it has not yet been determined how but most likely they can also be summoned anywhere. Ifrit is the only astral that Noctis cannot summon.

Where To Find The Dungeons In Leide

The Leide region is the first place that Noctis and his party will venture into after leaving Insomnia. It is a fairly large region with terrains that ranges from mountains to deserts. Aside from the side quests, there are actually three hidden dungeons in Leide, which are also considered side quests.

Two of the dungeons can be accessed anytime in the game but one dungeon is only revealed when playing the main story. The first dungeon will be revealed by Cor and will be a test for Noctis, where he must also obtain the second Royal Arms, which is the Sword of the Wise. The said dungeon is located in Keycatrich Trench, way past the Tomb of the Wise. Just follow Cor and he will lead the party to it.

The second dungeon is the Balouve Mines, where another Royal Arms, called Bow of the Clever can be acquired. It is located in the mountains along the road going to Galdin Quay. The dungeon is full of Level 7 Goblins but has a Level 52 boss.

The third dungeon is located in Crestholm Channels just outside the border gate that separates Leide from Insomnia. Noctis will have to go through Empire troops, or just slip away from them to head to the dungeon. The dungeon is full of daemons ranging from Level 35 to 44 and has a Level 49 boss. This is where Noctis can obtain one useful upgrade for the Regalia, which is the Enhanced Headlights that prevent daemons from popping up during night drives.

TAGSFinal Fantasy XV, FF15, Square Enix, Final Fantasy Series, Final Fantasy 15, FFXV, Final Fantasy XV Walkthrough, Final Fantasy XV Astrals, Final Fantasy XV Dungeons, Final Fantasy XV Side Quests, Final Fantasy XV Summons
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