Good Bye Obesity And Diabetes! Nestlé Chocolate Bars Reduce 40% Level Of Sugar!

By Mary Lourd - 05 Dec '16 16:21PM

Nestlé  publicized that they would reduce the level of sugar in its chocolate bar by up to 40%. The company is making its best to use natural ingredients without affecting the taste of the chocolate. They're planning to develop a better way of the structure of sugar without compromising the taste.

The company announced that in altering the subatomic structure of sugar it would only use a third less of the substance and it will work out the hollow structure of sugar crystals. The process would dissolve the particles quickly. The effect may seem to deceits the taste buds, so less sugar can be used in chocolate. The study is an extension of the 2007 promise of the company to cut the sugar in its products on a global level.

Currently, the average four-bar Kit Kat contains 23.8 grams of sugar. The new process found by Nestle could dissolve the new sugar molecules in place, which would be cut to 14.3 grams. It is about three cubes in amount and that was per Sugar Stacks.

This is one of the small steps of Nestlé to fight global obesity, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. The new discovery could make their products healthier which accurately fits the brand's vision. The company provides high quality and safe food solutions for consumers worldwide. They bring to consumer products that are of the highest quality in terms of nutrition, health, wellness, taste, texture or convenience. The company is been working to reduce sugar, salt and fat for healthier options.

It was reported that the company would begin to use the faster-dissolving sugar across a range of its confectionery products from 2018. The designer molecules will helps parents to persuade their children to have healthy habits at a young age, which many has sweet tooth. The company is looking forward to personalized nutrition through greater understanding of genetic and environmental interactions with food.


TAGSNestle, chocolate bar, Kit Ka
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