‘NES Classic Edition’ RESTOCK On Urban Outfitters On December 6 For $59.98 Only! Is It Online Store? Confirm Here!

By Love Marie - 05 Dec '16 10:41AM

The Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale of the "NES Classic Edition" had ended but hooray for the Pre-Christmas sales. Restock of the "NES Classic Edition" will be available on different physical and online stores starting on December 3.

The hype continues on one of the most wanted retro game of Nintendo, may it be a physical retailer store or through an online store. For the sake of the "NES Classic Edition", people are willing to line up before the opening on the outside of the store even weather freezes their whole body or sweats the whole time.

Don't miss the tomorrow's event of Urban Outfitters because as crazily as it sounds within just minutes all the stocks of the "NES Classic Edition" Game are gone. Urban Outfitters may also have a limited stock like what happen to Target, GameStop, and Walmart Jet.

Even though Urban Outfitters is not solely focusing on techie stuff, they put some space for the "NES Classic Edition" Game. The date sale is confirmed which is tomorrow but the big question is, will it be in physical retail stores or on the urbanfitters.com store? Here is the ANSWER. The "NES Classic Edition" will be available on December 6 through online store only!

"The highly sought-after game system will be available online at urbanoutfitters.com on December 6th. The product will not be available in store" an Urban Outfitters spokesperson stated.

For the record, last December 3 when "NES Classic Edition" was released before noon at Walmart it unbelievably just lasted for 5 minutes! A lot of people are so disappointed with the said past sales like in Toy R Us and Target. People wake up early and line up with more than a hundred people but ended up knowing they only have less than 30 stocks for sale.

Bookmark now the Urban Outfitters site now for tomorrow's sale of "NES Classic Edition" HERE. The rumor said that ThinkGeek will also open the sale of the "NES Classic Edition" tomorrow so better bookmark this one too.

TAGSNES Classic Edition, Nintendo NES Classic Stock Update
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