Dishonored 2 Tips and Tricks: Choose between Corvo and Emily

By Danica Arkwright - 05 Dec '16 09:55AM

Being an assassin is hard work. With Dishonored 2 recently released, there's a high chance that Emily and Corvo will have different styles in an assassination.

Dishonored 2 is the sequel of the stealth game, Dishonored. What is cool with Dishonored 2 is that the game now has an option for players to choose which character should they play in the game. Assassination games aren't easy. Stealth games have been programmed in a way to let players think creatively on how to achieve their goal without ever giving away themselves to the guards or alerting other people. Here are some helpful hints on how to play Dishonored 2 with ease:

Players can choose between Corvo and Emily. Dishonored players are familiar with Corvo. Corvo is the main protagonist from the previous game. In Dishonored 2, Corvo pretty much retained his skills and playstyle. What's new in Dishonored 2 is that there's an option to pick which character to use throughout the game.

Remember Emily? The little girl Corvo needs to save in Dishonored? She's all grown-up now and an available playable character in Dishonored 2! If players want to have a different style in an assassination, choose Emily. Not only will player learn new skills and abilities, they'll also learn about Emily's character in Dishonored 2.

Save Points is a must. It's natural for players to always save their progress before spending time wandering inside a dungeon or facing off a boss battle. In Dishonored 2, it's the same (sort of). Stealth games highly recommend a no-detection playthrough from the enemies. If players want to pursue a no-detection playstyle in Dishonored 2, save at every start of the mission so players can easily restart the mission once they've been detected.

Save often is also important. Players will never know what kind of adversary they will be pitted against.

Use the environment to your advantage. Stealth games often have places where players can hide when being pursued by enemies or when attempting to kill someone. Use locations such as houses and roofs to navigate through the mission. Enemies have high AI capabilities which make detection easier. Make sure to move around even when out of sight of the enemies.

Have a fighting style. Even if players are planning to pursue a stealthy play in Dishonored 2, it is still important to keep basic fighting styles at hand. Blocking is an important factor in Dishonored 2. It makes enemies stagger to their feet, providing an opening for choking them if players refuse to kill. Blinking and possession are also important when getting away from enemies. This will make it harder for them to follow and will give up the chase.

Loot. Looting is important. This is where players may find useful objects such as amber and ammunition for bolts. Health potions are scattered all over the world and some dead bodies or unconscious ones will have them.

Craft Bonecharms. Bonecharms are an important factor in Dishonored. Dishonored 2 further elaborated this feature. Bonecharms can be used to enhance abilities such as swimming and jumping abilities. So it's important to gather as many bonecharms to help aid players in their missions. It's not required to find every last one of them because it is a tedious work. Find those that can help enhance Corvo or Emily's abilities.

TAGSDishonored 2, Dishonored tips, Bethesda, PlayStation, dishonored 2 emily, corvo
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