Good News Apple Lovers! iPhone Battery Issues Will Be Solved!

By Mary Lourd - 04 Dec '16 22:40PM

Last Month, it was reported that some iPhones were having battery issues. Most of the reported iPhones were hastily shutting down even with sufficient battery life remaining. It raged the world with multiple complaints and Apple promised to process for the replacement for those phones which faces such shutdowns.

In September and October of 2015, Apple found a small number of iPhone6s that has battery component that was exposed to controlled ambient air longer than it should have been before being assembled into battery packs. These batteries mortify faster than a normal battery and cause unexpected shutdowns.

The company searched for possible factors that could cause an iPhone to shut down unexpectedly. Hence, iPhone is actually designed to shut down automatically under certain conditions, such as tremendously cold temperature. Tony Fadell, one of the Apple executives and the so-called father of the iPod confirmed the problem is not limited to the iPhone 6S only, iPhone6S Plus does have the same problem.

Business Insiders confirmed that it was unclear that the battery caused by its recent iOS 10.1.1. It has been said that the multiple complaints probably be fixed in an upcoming update of the phone's software. Later research revealed that the actual components of the battery that cause the problem. The chemical reaction inside the battery makes it more responsible for the shutting down of the gadget. The more battery charging cycles the battery put through, the more likely it drops to the maximum theoretical charge. Mainly, Lithium ions build up over time and slow down battery life.

On Thursday, Apple introduced a tool for consumers to check if their iPhone is eligible for a free battery replacement. Users that are affected could check their phone's serial number on the Apple's website and if the serial number is eligible, the users can go for a battery replacement in any of the iStore or Apple authorized service center.


TAGSiStore, apple, iphone, iPhone6s, iPhone6
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